Vertebrate track bed stratigraphy of the Röt and basal Lower Muschelkalk (Anisian) of Winterswijk (East Netherlands)

  • C. Diedrich Steinfurter Str. 128, D-48149 Münster, Germany;, website: Canaveral/Lab/1654
Keywords: Anisian, Germanic Basin, lithostratigraphy, sequence stratigraphy, biostratigraphy, track bed stratigraphy, megatrack sites


The 35.5 m thick Anisian section of theWinterswijkse Steen- en Kalkgroeve (Eastern Netherlands) comprises the Upper Röt (Upper Röt Claystone Member) to the basal Lower Muschelkalk (Oolith Member). In the section 15 terrestrial or marine influenced parasequences are recognized. A fourth order sequence shows the increasing marine influence. New marker beds, ten vertebrate track beds, three bone beds and cephalopod remains have been documented. This enabled correlation to other sections in NW Germany. The tracks found in the Winterswijkse Steen- en Kalkgroeve at the boundary Röt/Lower Muschelkalk are linked to the oldest known vertebrate skeleton remains of the Germanic Basin. It is the first time that the exact stratigraphic position of these vertebrate remains has been established. In the terrestrial influenced section of the Winterswijkse Steen- en Kalkgroeve, the well preserved vertebrate track ways and vertebrate fauna will be of international importance and will provide new data of theTriassic carbonate tidal flat megatracksite concept and reptiles living in this environment.

How to Cite
C. Diedrich. (2001). Vertebrate track bed stratigraphy of the Röt and basal Lower Muschelkalk (Anisian) of Winterswijk (East Netherlands). Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 80(1), 31-39.
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