Review of induced seismicity in geothermal systems worldwide and implications for geothermal systems in the Netherlands – CORRIGENDUM


In: Buijze L, van Bijsterveldt L, Cremer H, et al. Review of induced seismicity in geothermal systems worldwide and implications for geothermal systems in the Netherlands. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences. 2019;98:e13. doi: 10.1017/njg.2019.6


Co-author Bastiaan Jaarsma was accidentally omitted from the list of authors of the original published version of the article (Buijze et al, 2020). His name has therefore been retroactively added.

Bastiaan contributed significantly to the article and was essential to getting the paper published.

In addition, the address details given for Holger Cremer were incorrect. These should have read: 1TNO – Geological Survey of the Netherlands, Princetonlaan 6, 3584 CB Utrecht, the Netherlands.

How to Cite
Buijze L., van Bijsterveldt L., Cremer H., Paap B., Veldkamp H., Wassing B. B., van Wees J.-D., van Yperen G. C., Jaarsma B., & ter Heege J. H. (2020). Review of induced seismicity in geothermal systems worldwide and implications for geothermal systems in the Netherlands – CORRIGENDUM. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences.

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