Medieval impacts on the vegetation around the confluence of the river Meuse and its tributary the Swalm, the Netherlands

  • Corrie Bakels Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University, The Netherlands
Keywords: Black Death, buckwheat, deforestation, Middle Ages, pollen diagram


The vegetation history of the area around the confluence of the rivers Meuse and Swalm (the Netherlands) during the Middle Ages is covered by two pollen diagrams. The diagram Swalmen reveals a large-scale deforestation as a result of the foundation of a nobleman’s homestead around 950. The diagram Syperhof shows a period during which the forest partly returns after a long history of unremitting anthropogenic stress. This temporary phenomenon is ascribed to the onslaught of the Black Death in 1349. Both diagrams provide evidence of the start of buckwheat growing.

How to Cite
Bakels C. (2016). Medieval impacts on the vegetation around the confluence of the river Meuse and its tributary the Swalm, the Netherlands. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 96, 165-173.
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