Staatsolie's VISION 2030: the contributions of petroleum geology to Surinamese society

  • August Nelson Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V.
Keywords: exploration, history, oil, Suriname, West Africa


Staatsolie Maatschappij Suriname N.V., together with the gold mining industry, has gradually become a major contributor to the Surinamese economy since the decline of the alumina industry. In the last 35 years, about 110MMbbls (million barrels) of crude oil have been produced. Staatsolie is now in the early stages of fulfilling its VISION 2030, which is not only aimed at increased exploration and production but also at power generation, further diversification and regional expansion. The basis for achieving these goals is accelerated on- and offshore exploration, followed by growth in production. The offshore region remains a frontier area, with only a few wells drilled. Current production is about 17,000bopd (barrels of oil per day). Between 2007 and 2014, Staatsolie has spent about US$120 million on exploration. An integrated study for the Suriname–Guyana Basin carried out by Staatsolie in 2009 demonstrated the upside potential of this basin from a source rock potential perspective, which has been proven by both the Liza-1 oil discovery offshore of Guyana in 2015 and the Zaedyus-1 oil discovery offshore of French Guiana in 2011.

Staatsolie is now focusing its efforts on the near-shore area, where it recently concluded a five-well drilling programme, following a 3-D seismic survey. In the deep offshore area, international oil companies (IOCs) are actively pursuing the next discovery in the Atlantic Margin, partly driven by the conjugate-margin theory geologically linking South America and West Africa.

Staatsolie is also attempting to increase recovery from the most mature and largest oilfield, the Tambaredjo Field, through Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) technologies of which polymer flooding is deemed the most suitable, with estimated potential incremental recovery of up to 12%.

Staatsolie recognises the role of a highly skilled and motivated workforce and therefore continues investing in its people through internal as well as external training. Thirty-five years after it was founded by Mr Eddy Jharap, a geologist by training and the first Managing Director of the company, it can be stated that Staatsolie has taken its place in Surinamese society as a significant contributor to the economy, a preferred employer, a nucleus for industrial spin-off and an example for other companies.

How to Cite
Nelson A. (2016). Staatsolie’s VISION 2030: the contributions of petroleum geology to Surinamese society. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 95(2), 375-392.
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