Towards an improved lithostratigraphic subdivision of the Chalk Group in the Netherlands North Sea area - A seismic stratigraphic approach

  • A.S. van der Molen Faculty of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, Budapestlaan 4, 3584 CD Utrecht, the Netherlands
  • Th.E. Wong Faculty of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University, Budapestlaan 4, 3584 CD Utrecht, the Netherlands; TNO Built Environment and Geosciences - National Geological Survey, Princetonlaan 6, 3584 CB Utrecht, the Netherlands
Keywords: Chalk Group, chronostratigraphy, Late Cretaceous, lithostratigraphy, Southern North Sea, seismic stratigraphy


In the Netherlands North Sea area, the Chalk Group has thus far been subdivided into the Cenomanian Texel Formation, the Turonian to Maastrichtian Ommelanden Formation and the Danian Ekofisk Formation. This paper describes the attempt to arrive at a more detailed lithostratigraphic subdivision for this area, particularly of the Ommelanden Formation. To this end, a seismic stratigraphic analysis was carried out on a regional 2D and 3D seismic dataset. The Chalk Group was subdivided into eleven seismic stratigraphic sequences, named CK1 through CK11, based on the mapping and correlation of unconformities. The identified seismic sequence boundaries were used as the main chronostratigraphic markers in the Chalk Group interval. The seismic dataset was subsequently expanded with well log data of 45 boreholes. These were tied to the seismic dataset by constructing a synthetic seismogram for each borehole, after which the seismic sequence boundaries were noted and correlated on the logs. Finally, micropaleonthological data available in 15 boreholes were used to date the seismic sequences. The sequences were interpreted to be of Cenomanian (CK1), Turonian (CK2), Coniacian (CK3), Santonian (CK4), Early Campanian (CK5; CK6), Middle to Late Campanian (CK7), Early Maastrichtian (CK8; CK9), Late Maastrichtian (CK10) and Danian (CK11) age. The seismic units recognised in this study were compared with formal lithostratigraphic units defined in the Chalk Group in the surrounding North Sea sectors. Based on this comparison, a revision of the formal lithostratigraphic scheme, recognising Tor Formation and Herring Formation equivalents, is suggested for the Netherlands North Sea area.

How to Cite
A.S. van der Molen, & Th.E. Wong. (2007). Towards an improved lithostratigraphic subdivision of the Chalk Group in the Netherlands North Sea area - A seismic stratigraphic approach. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 86, 131 - 143.
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