Moon, Mars and Mundus: primary school children discover the nature and science of planet Earth from experimentation and extra-terrestrial perspectives

  • M.G. Kleinhans Universiteit Utrecht, Faculty of Geosciences, PO Box 80115, NL-3508 TC Utrecht, the Netherlands; and Wetenschapsknooppunt Universiteit Utrecht (Science Education Hub and University Museum), Lange Nieuwstraat 106, 3512 PN Utrecht, the Netherlands
  • A.J. Verkade De Praktijk, Science Communication and Education, Oostenburgermiddenstraat 210, 1018 LL Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  • T. van Wessel Wetenschapsknooppunt Universiteit Utrecht (Science Education Hub and University Museum), Lange Nieuwstraat 106, 3512 PN Utrecht, the Netherlands; and Utrecht University Centre for Teaching and Learning, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, PO Box 80140, 3508 TC Utrecht, the Netherlands
  • M.A.S. Bastings Utrecht University Centre for Teaching and Learning, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, PO Box 80140, 3508 TC Utrecht, the Netherlands
  • W.A. Marra Universiteit Utrecht, Faculty of Geosciences, PO Box 80115, NL-3508 TC Utrecht, the Netherlands
  • T. van Gog Erasmus University Rotterdam, Institute of Psychology, PO Box 1738, 3000 DR Rotterdam, the Netherlands
  • W. van Westrenen VU University Amsterdam, Faculty of Earth and Life Sciences, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081 HV Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  • M. Reichwein Wetenschapsknooppunt Universiteit Utrecht (Science Education Hub and University Museum), Lange Nieuwstraat 106, 3512 PN Utrecht, the Netherlands
Keywords: Earth, Moon, Mars, Mundus, science education


Like earth and planetary scientists, most children are curious about the world, the solar system and the rest of the universe. However, for various reasons primary schools emphasise language and calculus rather than natural sciences. When science is taught, examination systems often favour knowledge of the ‘right’ answer over the process of investigation and logical reasoning towards that answer. In order to continue to spark children's curiosity and their motivation to learn and discover, science education hubs at universities and science museums could collaborate more with schools and teachers, and are beginning to do so. The objective of this position paper is to report on recent experiences in earth and planetary science education for pupils in primary and secondary education, to provide examples and inspiration for scientists. We report three examples of initiation and consolidation of science education in primary schools in the Netherlands: (1) a focus on asking questions and seeking information to reason towards the answer, initiated with a classroom game, Expedition Mundus, (2) bringing pupils and teachers together outside their school in the science museum to gain confidence and self-efficacy, and (3) having children ask their own questions and do their own research guided by the empirical cycle, for example on experimentation on sandbox scale models of channels and crater lake deltas as found on Mars. The focus on other planets, fictitious and real, stimulates pupils to ask questions about planet Earth. Finally, we argue that involvement of more scientists in science education would not only benefit primary and secondary schools and future students but also university education and science communication with society.

How to Cite
Kleinhans M., Verkade A., van Wessel T., Bastings M., Marra W., van Gog T., van Westrenen W., & Reichwein M. (2015). Moon, Mars and Mundus: primary school children discover the nature and science of planet Earth from experimentation and extra-terrestrial perspectives. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 95(2), 203-214.
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