Geo(Im)pulse An unexpected fossil crinoid from the ‘Kor en Bot’ trawling trips on the Oosterschelde (Zeeland, the Netherlands)

  • J.W.M. Jagt Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht, de Bosquetplein 6, NL-6211 KJ Maastricht, the Netherlands
  • J.W.F. Reumer Natuurhistorisch Museum Rotterdam, Westzeedijk 345, NL-3001 KL Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and Faculty of Geosciences, Utrecht University, Utrecht, the Netherlands
Keywords: Echinodermata, Crinoidea, Isocrinidae, Jurassic, the Netherlands, provenance


During the 2007 ‘Kor en Bot’ collecting trip across the Oosterschelde (province of Zeeland, southwest Netherlands), on board trawler cutter ZZ10, a stem fragment of a fossil isocrinid was recognised amongst the contents of the nets pulled on deck. This specimen is here interpreted to be of Early Jurassic age and assignable to the genus Isocrinus. However, because only internodals are preserved in this pluricolumnal, specific identification cannot be but approximate (Isocrinus (Chladocrinus) cf. tuberculatus). In the absence of any outcrop of Jurassic deposits in Zeeland and adjacent Dutch and Belgian territory, the most likely explanation is that this crinoid represents erratic material transported by precursors of the present-day River Maas (Meuse). Between the Langres Plateau and Sedan (northeast France), this river cuts through several occurrences of Lower Jurassic strata from which the present isocrinid might have originated. A less likely explanation is that it stems from boulders used for coastal reinforcement or from a Roman limestone votive altarpiece put up at the temple complex for the goddess Nehalennia, formerly present at Colijnsplaat, near Domburg (Noord-Beveland, Zeeland). Transportation from either northwest France or the southern or eastern United Kingdom, where there are coastal exposures of Jurassic strata, via the North Sea, is another option which, however, is also considered less feasible in view of the good state of preservation of the crinoid.

How to Cite
J.W.M. Jagt, & J.W.F. Reumer. (2010). Geo(Im)pulse An unexpected fossil crinoid from the ‘Kor en Bot’ trawling trips on the Oosterschelde (Zeeland, the Netherlands). Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 89, 169 - 172.
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