Lower Cretaceous of the southern North Sea Basins: reservoir distribution within a sequence stratigraphic framework

  • J.M. Jeremiah Shell International E&P, 200 N Dairy Ashford, Houston TX 77079, USA
  • S. Duxbury Duxbury Stratigraphic Consultants, 4, Coldstone Avenue, Kingswells, Aberdeen AB15 8TT, UK
  • P. Rawson CEMS, University of Hull, Scarborough Campus, Filey Rd, Scarborough, North Yorkshire, YO11 3AZ, UK, and Department of Earth Sciences, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT
Keywords: Early Cretaceous, event stratigraphy, tectonically accentuated


Facies belts exhibit a back-stepping trend towards the London Brabant/ Rhenish Massif through the Early Cretaceous. The overall eustatic sea-level rise was punctuated by short-term tectonic events identified either as localised or North Sea wide in extent. The biostratigraphically constrained sequences have, for the first time, allowed a detailed calibration of tectonic and eustatic events on a North Sea scale. The most extensive database available to any North Sea Cretaceous study was available to the authors together with a comprehensive suite of new high-resolution biostratigraphy and sedimentology. This has allowed unique insights into provenance, depositional environment, extent of sequence stratigraphical events and the degree to which unconformities have been tectonically accentuated.

How to Cite
J.M. Jeremiah, S. Duxbury, & P. Rawson. (2010). Lower Cretaceous of the southern North Sea Basins: reservoir distribution within a sequence stratigraphic framework. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 89, 203 - 237. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0016774600000706
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