The late Maastrichtian cancellothyridid brachiopod Terebratulina chrysalis (Von Schlotheim, 1813) from the type Maastrichtian (southern Limburg, the Netherlands) and elsewhere in Europe

  • E. Simon Institut royal des Sciences naturelles de Belgique, Département de Paléontologie, 29 rue Vautier, B-1000 Bruxelles, Belgium. Email:
Keywords: Brachiopoda, Cancellothyridoidea, Terebratulina, Cretaceous, Europe, intraspecific variability


A complete growth series of Terebratulina chrysalis (Von Schlotheim, 1813) collected from its type area near Maastricht (the Netherlands) is described and illustrated, with fully adult and gerontic specimens included so as to increase current knowledge of this taxon. Most specimens collected from other European outcrops are juveniles which are similar to juveniles from the type area near Maastricht. However, adults collected from the latter area and those from lower Maastrichtian white chalk deposits in northern Europe are quite different. These differences can be explained by palaeoenvironmental conditions and taphonomic processes.

How to Cite
E. Simon. (2011). The late Maastrichtian cancellothyridid brachiopod Terebratulina chrysalis (Von Schlotheim, 1813) from the type Maastrichtian (southern Limburg, the Netherlands) and elsewhere in Europe. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 90, 111 - 127.
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