On the piscivorous behaviour of the Early Cretaceous amiiform neopterygian fish Calamopleurus cylindricus from the Santana Formation, northeast Brazil∙

  • E.W.A. Mulder Museum Natura Docet Wonderryck Twente, Oldenzaalsestraat 39, 7591 GL Denekamp, the Netherlands; and Natuurhistorisch Museum Maastricht, De Bosquetplein 6-7, 6211 KJ Maastricht, the Netherlands
Keywords: Lower Cretaceous, prey items, fish eating


A specimen of the Early Cretaceous amiiform fish Calamopleurus cylindricus with stomach content is described from the Santana Formation, Brazil. The prey concerns a smaller conspecific individual. Until now, prey items documented for Calamopleurus almost exclusively involved the aspidorhynchid Vinctifer. On the basis of the present record it is suggested that the prey preference of Calamopleurus was less pronounced than previously assumed.

How to Cite
Mulder E. (2014). On the piscivorous behaviour of the Early Cretaceous amiiform neopterygian fish Calamopleurus cylindricus from the Santana Formation, northeast Brazil∙. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 119-122. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0016774600000044
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