Late Pleistocene variations of the background aeolian dust concentration in the Carpathian Basin: an estimate using decomposition of grain-size distribution curves of loess deposits

  • G. Varga Geographical Institute, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budaörsi út 45, H-1112 Budapest, Hungary
  • J. Kovács Department of Geology, University of Pécs, Ifjúság u. 6, H-7624 Pécs, Hungary Institute of Applied Geology, BOKU, Peter Jordan Str. 70, A-1190 Vienna, Austria
  • G. Újvári Geodetic and Geophysical Institute, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Csatkai E. u. 6–8, H-9400 Sopron, Hungary
Keywords: aeolian dust, dust concentration, grain-size, loess, Pleistocene


Aeolian dust deposits can be considered as one of the most important archives of past climatic changes. Alternating loess and paleosol strata display variations of the dust load in the Pleistocene atmosphere. By using the observations of recent dust storms, we are able to employ Late Pleistocene stratigraphic datasets (with accurate chronological framework) and detailed granulometric data for making conclusions on the atmospheric dust load in the past. Age-depths models, created from the absolute age data and stratigraphic interpretation, allow us to calculate sedimentation rates and dust fluxes, while grain-size specifies the dry-deposition velocity, i.e. the atmospheric residence time of mineral particles. Thus, the dust concentration can be expressed as the quotient of the dust flux and gravitational settling velocity. Recent observations helped to clarify the mechanisms behind aeolian sedimentation and the physical background of this process has nowadays been well established. Based on these two, main contrasting sedimentary modes of dust transport and deposition can be recognised: the short suspension episodes of the coarse (silt and very fine sand) fraction and the long-range transport of a fine (clay and fine silt) component. Using parametric curve fitting the basic statistical properties of these two sediment populations can be revealed for Pleistocene aeolian dust deposits, as it has been done for loess in Hungary. As we do not have adequate information on the magnitude and frequency of the Pleistocene dust storms, conclusions could only be made on the magnitude of continuous background dust load. The dust concentration can be set in the range between 1100 and 2750 μg/m3. These values are mostly higher than modern dust concentrations, even in arid regions. Another interesting proxy of past atmospheric conditions could be the visibility, being proportional to the dust concentration. According to the known empirical dust concentration – visibility equations, its value is around 6.5 to 26 kilometres.

How to Cite
G. Varga, J. Kovács, & G. Újvári. (2012). Late Pleistocene variations of the background aeolian dust concentration in the Carpathian Basin: an estimate using decomposition of grain-size distribution curves of loess deposits. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 91, 159 - 171.
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