History match of the Groningen field dynamic reservoir model to subsidence data and conventional subsurface data

  • Hendrik van Oeveren
  • Per Valvatne
  • Leendert Geurtsen
  • Jan van Elk
Keywords: experimental design, gas field, history matching, reservoir simulation, space filling, subsidence modelling


This paper presents the method applied to history-match the Groningen field dynamic model to conventional data (pressure data and water influx data) and to subsidence data, which is a novelty. Modelled subsidence is matched to subsidence data based on a simplified geomechanical model, which was built into the dynamic simulator. A two-tier method was used to first achieve a match on a field-wide scale using field-average history-match quantifiers, which was then further improved at a regional/well level using regional history-match quantifiers. The history match was assisted by a space-filling experimental design. The resulting model has a field-average match to pressure data of ±2.17 bar with a measurement uncertainty of ±0.4 bar, to water influx data of ±2m with a measurement uncertainty of ±0.5m, and to subsidence data of ±4 cm with a measurement uncertainty of ±1 cm. The output from this model is used as input for compaction, subsidence and production forecasts feeding into the hazard and risk assessment completed by NAM for the Groningen Winningsplan 2016.

How to Cite
van Oeveren H., Valvatne P., Geurtsen L., & van Elk J. (2018). History match of the Groningen field dynamic reservoir model to subsidence data and conventional subsurface data. Netherlands Journal of Geosciences, 96, 47-54. https://doi.org/10.1017/njg.2017.26
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